Final Fantasy XVI exclusive for PS5 for at least 6 months

Recently Square Enix has dropped a new trailer of Final Fantasy XVI, named "Ambition", which gives players a more in-depth look at Final Fantasy XVI’s backstory, including the realm of Valisthea and its rich cast of characters they will encounter in the game, including Dominants – single men and women who are blessed with the ability to call upon a dread power, which is unlike anything ever seen in the series.

Today Sony has released a trailer showing the upcoming games for PlayStation 5. Final Fantasy XVI is also shown in the trailer accompanied with the text "Final Fantasy XVI anticipated Summer 2023. PS5 exclusive for six months". It is unknown on which console the game will be released after the exclusivity ends.

Final Fantasy XVI will be released on PlayStation 5 in Summer 2023. You can watch the "Ambition" trailer on YouTube (since it contains an age restriction).

Final Fantasy XVI logo