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Square Enix

During Square Enix's new Dragon Quest title presentation that was streamed live on YouTube they've announced the next mainline entry in the Dragon Quest series. Dragon Quest XI is currently in development and will be released on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo 3DS. Producer of both versions will be Saito Yosuke. The soundtrack will be written by Koichi Sugiyama.

The PlayStation 4 version is being developed with the Unreal Engine 4 and they said that they will use the console at it's full potential [Footage PlayStation 4 version]. The Nintendo 3DS version will be developed by the same core members and will feature full 3D on the top screen and the classic retro look at the bottom screen [Footage Nintendo 3DS version].

Dragon Quest XI logo

They are aiming to release both versions sometime next year with the 30th anniversary of the series. At the end of the presentation they said that a version for the Nintendo NX is also in consideration.


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